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Sacred Journey (Священная поездка)

Издательство: Taschen
Мягкая обложка, 19.6 x 24.5 cm , 224 стр.

Цена: 1600 руб.      Заказать>>>

Курьерская доставка
Стоимость курьерской доставки по Петербургу и Москве от 300 руб.
32 пунктасамовывоза в Петербурге (бесплатно), 42 пункта самовывоза в Москве (120 руб.), а так же в пункты сасмовывоза в большинстве городов России
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От издателя

Destination: nirvana

“Refusing all food, one of the Babas only drinks milk. While perpetually smoking ganja, some dangle 150-pound rocks from their penises and escape physical pain by controlling their minds.”

Who are all these bearded men smiling at the camera, their faces painted with vivid colors and their bodies emaciated? They are babas, sadhus, yogis, and gurus—the holy men of India and Nepal. There are four to five million of these ascetics, seeking enlightenment, or a “higher reality,” via extreme, self-imposed, physical and mental deprivation. Fascinated by their wisdom, David Howard traveled from the Ganges in India to the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal to photograph them and learn more about their culture. The result of his quest is Sacred Journey, a book that focuses on the Hindu and Buddhist life and rituals. Through stunning, vibrant portraits and colorful descriptions, Howard imparts the basic tenets and practices of the two religions, as well as the more extreme rites performed by the many holy people he encountered. Pictured are the men, women, and children of India and Nepal, as well as their shrines, jewelry, costumes, statues, and masks. From cremation to marriage, Howard has documented all of the most important rituals. “Enormous differences seem to vanish when we focus on a higher reality,” he writes. “Indeed, it is the very differences in our cultures that ensure we are really human beings, uniquely incarnate in the world and within time. These differences require an open mind, and an open heart, to understand and accept, but in so doing, we can overcome the intolerance that plagues our modern world.”

The author:
David Howard has been described in the New York Village Voice as "an experimental photographer of amazing ability." His work has been widely published and shown in galleries and museums around the world. In the 1980s he produced the PBS television series “Art Seen” featuring studio tours and interviews with artists such as Christo, Keith Haring, and Nam June Paik. Howard began traveling to Southeast Asia during the early 90s on various photo and video assignments and has been returning ever since. The Last Filipino Head Hunters (2001), a book about the vanishing lifestyle of the native headhunting tribes, and Sacred Journey represent two of Howard’s many photographic projects. When he’s not taking pictures, he’s engaging in his other favorite activity: long distance swimming.

”Sacred Journey’s 674 images of religious life in India are breathtaking. Powerful scenes of worship include outdoor festivals; monks who pierce their genitals hoping to transcend ordinary consciousness trough overcoming physical pain; men who perform rituals using live snakes; lavish birthday celebrations; and music making. Howard’s day-to-day travel log is filled with vivid descriptions of his encounters along the way, culminating in his climb to Muktinath, a remote temple in the Himalayan mountains…The potent cover and bold presentation of spectacular images will sell this title.”
New Age Retailer, Bellingham
United Kingdom


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