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Heimann, Jim (ED), Barilotti, Steve
LeRoy Grannis, Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s

Издательство: Taschen
Твердый переплет, 31 x 25,7 cm, 276 стр.

Цена: 2600 руб.      Заказать>>>

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Capturing the perfect wave

Эта книга, подобно капсуле времени, переносит нас назад, в эпоху которая продолжает напоминать нам о себе отпечатками Technicolor и черно-белыми фотографиями.
Book Review, Los Angeles

В наше время, когда серфинг популярен более, чем когда либо, стоит оглянуться назад, в те годы, когда вид спорта стал мэйнстримом. Развитый жителями Гаваев более пяти веков назад, серфинг достиг пика популярности в 1950-х, распространившись по Америке и миру подобно шторму. Серфинг стал не только спортом, но стилем жизни и сопровождающая его культура распространилась по всему земному шару. Один из ключевых имидж-мейкеров того времени LeRoy Grannis, занимавшияся серфингом с 1931, начал снимать сцены на Гаваях и в Калифорнии в эпоху длинных досок начала 1960.
Grannis прикрепил водонепроницаемый бокс, позволяющий менять пленку в воде на свою доску и потому оказался ближе к месту действия, чем прочие фотографы того времени.

Ограниченный коллекционный тираж этого издания, пронумерованный и подписанный LeRoy Grannis , был распродан в рекордно короткие сроки по цене 750$, после чего отдельные экземпляры книги продавались по цене в 2 раза превышавшей цену издательства.

"The book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review, Los Angeles

At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it`s fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s, taking America—and the world—by storm. Surfing became not just a sport, but a way of life, and the culture that surrounded it was admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard Gidget era of the early 1960s.

This collection, drawn from Grannis`s personal archives, showcases an impressive selection of surf photographs—from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu`s famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. Equally notable is his work covering an emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era—a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best.

This unlimited popular edition is for readers on a budget or who were unable to get their hands on the original limited Collector's Edition (it sold out in record time and copies were being resold for up to double of the retail price!)

About the author:
Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine`s globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. A lifelong surfer and fourth-generation Californian, Barilotti's passion for West Coast beach culture runs deep. His writing has also appeared in The Perfect Day and the books of renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. Between trips, Steve lives in San Diego, California.

About the editor:
Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America in Los Angeles and the author of numerous books on architecture, popular culture, and Hollywood history.

About the photographer:
"LeRoy Grannis’s initial foray into surfing began at age 14 with a six-foot slab of pine, but it wasn’t until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor’s orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, selling prints for a buck apiece. His photos soon started appearing in many of the burgeoning surf magazines, and ""Photo: Grannis"" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966."

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